About Nice Try

We ensure your message has the same meaning in every language

We’re passionate about connecting people through language!

Our large team of translators, interpreters and language teachers has over 10 years experience across a huge range of sectors and projects. Witin the team we have expert knowledge of areas suchas as agri-food, medical, technical, legal, financial and media.

Working from offices in Madrid and Santiago de Compostela, we’re accurate in our translations and flexible when we work —we will always ensure you get what you need, when you need it, and completed to the highest standard.

Currently we offer translation and localisation services in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Chinese.


George Mills

George is an expert in translation and technology. After majoring in both Media Studies and English Philology, he worked as an English teacher and Academic Director in Madrid before discovering his passion for translating. He now combines both roles at Nice Try.


George Mills

George is an expert in translation and technology. After majoring in both Media Studies and English Philology, he worked as an English teacher and Academic Director in Madrid before discovering his passion for translating. He now combines both roles at Nice Try.