Voiceover vs. Dubbing

What are the main differences?

Diferencias entre traducción y localización: el caso del Capitán América

We are all familiar with these two terms regarding the translation of films and series. We might even think they are the same thing but they are actually different types of AV translation.

Here’s why:

1. What exactly is dubbing?

Dubbing consists of deleting the original actors’ voices and replacing them with the synchronised voice of dubbing actors, without changing the rest of the soundtrack (music and sound effects). The aim is to do so without the viewer noticing the difference. In Spain, it is typical of films and series.

2. Since when have films been dubbed in Spain?

For different historical reasons, some countries have become “dubbing countries”, developing an important industry, while others have limited themselves to subtitling. In Spain, dubbing of foreign films began in 1941 —due to political censorship— when a government order made it compulsory.

3. Voiceover:

When doing voiceover, the original actors’ voices are not deleted, but simply turned down in the mix. The dubbed voice is recorded over the original, without being in sync. In Spain it is common in documentaries, reality shows and other non-fiction programmes. Sometimes, a single dubbing actor voices all the characters.

4. A question of time and money.

To carry out a dubbing project we will need, at least: a translator, a sound technician and several voice actors. However, for a voiceover project, we can use just one voice actor and make faster progress, as sound editing is simpler. It is therefore considerably cheaper than dubbing.

5. What does the viewer think?

Although voiceover is faster and cheaper, it is also very obvious. The viewer is always aware of watching a translated product. On the other hand, professional dubbing is practically “invisible”. Thus, for many Spanish viewers, the voice of Constantino Romero will always be that of Clint Eastwood or Mercedes Montalá will always be Julia Roberts.

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